Monday, August 11, 2014

My first Label blog

Well first off and foremost, this blog is what I call a Firewalk, and so I decided to call it just that...I have never blogged before but plan to use this as an outstanding part of my networking empire for my new position at Action Packaging Systems, Inc.

Why a "Firewalk" you ask? Well because it is a new venture for me so a little scary and I have no experience in it. I did my first initial REAL Firewalk back on Memorial Day in 1997 in Baltimore, MD when I attended Anthony Robbins UPW seminar (Unleash the Power Within) and that event literally changed my life. The firewalk message is basically this...if you have things in your life that you believe to be IMPOSSIBLE, would not walking on red hot coals be one of them? Well, if you suddenly were thrust into the opportunity to actually WALK ON FIRE, and you did it, got to celebrate it with 3000 of you new closest friends and did not get burned or hurt in the process...what do you think that will do to the rest of your list of impossibilites? They become pretty weak in my most recent Firewalk has become my newest career change to now sell Pressure Sensitive Labels and Label Applicators...

Since that first Firewalk, I went on to volunteer for 10 years and made a new family of friends and in the end became an elite member of Anthony Robbins "Ultimate Fire Team"     

Since that first event, so many things have changed for me; I found the courage to move out of a relationship with my first wife that was serving neither of us well, I stepped up and changed my career now several times, I learned Reiki and became a Reiki Master and I have found that when you step up to do a Firewalk, or challenge or chore or whatever you want to call it, just the effort of taking that first step does wonders for your life. I am re-married to the loveliest woman I could ever imagine, I have to awesome kids of my own, a terrific step daughter and a new daughter in is OUTSTANDING and getting better! I challenge each of you to do your own Firewalk and see for yourselves...

So what does a Firewalk have to do with "Wally the Label Guy"? Well, the series of events in my life have lead me from my beginnings in the Flexographic Label Printing Industry where I began in 1974 to now being a label expert for Action Packaging. The first 20 years, I mastered printing labels: Drug Interaction Labels, 4 color process labels, chemical labels, phramaceutical Labels, Food Labels, coupons (IRC; Instant Redeemable Coupons) and ECL (Extended Content Labels). I worked my way up from a pressroom trainee to ultimately owning part of a label printing company. When that eventually ran its course, I moved on to sales.

The last 20 years I have been selling to label printers. I sold energy curable products (UV and EB curable coatings, primers and adhesives, releases and specialty inks) and worked with label printers large and small from Florida to Canada. I taught cold foiling, ECL, IRC and laminating, multi-web, trouble shot issues, and crawled in and out of presses as needed. I became a strong resourse to all of my customers and a friend as well...The downside was the extensive travel where for the last 4 years I was driving within a 12 hour radius...and so I moved on and Action asked me to join them...I now can offer up to 8 color printed labels either Flexographically printed or Digitally Printed for those smaller jobs...coated or laminated, rolls or sheeted, just let me know...

So now, I have become Wally the Label Guy! Your personal label expert. I can discuss issues, concerns, designs, manufacture and of course most importantly, how to help you control your biggest concerns, issues and pain associated with your printed label needs. Give me a call at 860-336-7531 or write me at and lets get to know one another, I promise you will not be dissappointed!

I will continue to work on this blog as time allows and plan to work it into a networking stage to help my growing list of customers find options not just for their labels, but if I can help in any other capacities as I also am skilled in many other areas from carpentry to gardening to design and I also am the consumate "deal" finder if you are looking for something in specific....and I will of course continue to find those new Firewalks along the way...

With Fire in my heart, I sign off for today.

Hot regards!
Wally the Label Guy

1 comment:

  1. I can't think of a better fellow than Wally the Label guy! Best of luck in this new endeavor...I have no doubt you will shine! Lots of love from Marci the Rose Lady to you...♥
